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The pews are here! The pews are here! The pews are here! By Helen Kwak

After almost a year of dreaming, designing, and building, our chapel now houses six beautiful pews with kneelers for all those who come to rest in the heart of Jesus!

It all began in the kitchen of Lisieux House, when Kylie, Gabby, and I were having one of those late night conversations after night prayer (definitely past our bedtime), dreaming for our house and all the things that seem wonderfully possible when holy women gather together under one roof.

I don’t recall who suggested it first, but the desire for pews was instantly shared by all of us. A seed was firmly planted in our hearts.

Before my brain could even begin thinking of where one could procure pews for a small, private chapel (definitely not Amazon), Gabby shared that one of her friends had a side business doing carpentry and that he had, in fact, made prayer kneelers for missionaries that would come volunteer at his parish.

And so text messages were sent, a prototype made and tested, and the pews were finally delivered, replacing the three rows of chairs that had been our original arrangement.

Not too much time has passed since we have received our lovely pews, but it feels so natural to have them in our chapel. I have my little corner that I like to pray in (on the right side next to a window!), and I keep my Bible, spiritual readings, and rosary in one of the bookholders, carefully designed for that very purpose.

As we have shared in our previous newsletters, the ladies of Lisieux House have been hard at work to beautify our home, especially this past year. There has been a lot of work done, but it feels particularly right and fitting to beautify the place that houses our Lord.

We thank St. Joseph for his intercessory prayers and St. Therese for her constant care! May many women pray in these pews in the years to come and fall deeper in love with our Lord!


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