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From the House Leader

New House Leader Elected

In October 2021, it came time to choose a new house leader to replace Helen Kwak, who truly modeled a “gift of self” in her amazing job as house leader the past year. Members of Lisieux House elected Hannah Gillespie to serve as the new house leader for the upcoming year. Please pray for Hannah to be blessed with a spirit of discernment and surrender!

Community Retreat

The community-building retreat featured a series of “Mini-Master” classes. Each woman prepared a half hour lesson to teach the other ladies something in their field of expertise. The class topics included origami, baking, jiu-jitsu, basketball, photography, and embossing. It was a fun day together that ended with an hour of adoration and a beautiful contemplative Mass.

Home Improvements

On a Saturday in October, the women of Lisieux House welcomed 10 local friends over with offers of food and drinks in exchange for manual help around the beloved old convent. Dubbed “The Big Day,” the volunteers got right to work painting four bedrooms, moving donations to Goodwill, transporting garbage to a nearby dump, and helping out with some major yard work. Volunteers were fed a hearty breakfast and a large portion of chili for lunch. The women at Lisieux House are so incredibly grateful for the help of our friends on The Big Day! Already, three of the four rooms are occupied by women who highly appreciate the new coats of paint.

Conference at University of Notre Dame

Hannah and Helen had the chance to travel to South Bend, IN to present at a conference at the University of Notre Dame. They talked about how intentional Catholic communities (like Lisieux House) promote and reveal the dignity of the human person through acknowledging the reality of suffering, practicing vulnerability, and giving the Lord permission to show us His healing presence.

Watch the full presentation and Q&A on YouTube

Brother - Sister House Friendsgiving

Did you know the Lisieux House has a brother house? That’s right! The Frassati House is an intentional Catholic community for men located in the Wallingford neighborhood in Seattle. During the week of Thanksgiving, the Lisieux House, Frassati House, and a few friends celebrated a “Friendsgiving” featuring all the traditional favorites and more. Thank God for good friends and good food!


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